Fantasista Doll

Written 3/1/2024

Fantasista Doll is a 2013 anime that comes up in my mind more often then you would think. I'm probably the only person who remembers and cares about this show. I even have the figma!  I watched it while it was airing and was very active in it's discussion threads.  From what I remember (I ain't rewatchin this) the main character gets a deck of cards that contains magical girls that she uses to fight other cards user that have decks of magical girls.

The other people who have decks of girls are after the main character because the villain is offering a wish to anyone who can beat her.  Typical villain of the week kinda stuff with slowly unwrapping over 12 episodes, where the hero fights the big bad at the end. I think it has a friendship ending too, where they hug it out instead of fighting, but I don't remember that detail.  What I do remember from this show, is the best villain of the week in any show ever.  In one of the episodes the bad guy is a just a sports fan.  We learn what his backstory in a scene at a sports bar where is just trying to watch the game, when a bunch of college students come in and start playing around while the game is on, causing him to lose his shit as sports as serious business and everyone needs to be quite and enjoy when the game is on.  With this is he trying to take our hero's deck of magical girls so that his wish that everyone takes sports serous is granted.  To this day I think about it least once a day causing me to laugh.  I don't remember anything else about any of the other villains of the week or the rest of the show.

Looking into this the show was part of a mixed media project with a manga also out (probably not scanned or translated) and the website is still up.


There also a couple of Doujinshi for this title I found, this surprised me a bit, but this was the age before gacha girls and Vtubers taking all the artist.  So there was more stuff for random shows like Fantasista Doll.  I hope you might give this show a chance if you do let me know if you thought about it.