Just A Mirror I Swear

I saw screenshot of the world while online, and thought this would be fun interesting world. The world is heavily inspired by mid 00s anime inspiration and is one of the raising amounts of kaizokomplex-likes. Entering the world you are greeted by the above message. By the end of the world my eyes were a bit tired from all the lights and shaders moving around. It wasn't too bad though so proceed with your own discretion.

After that you enter a room filled with trying to emulate the mid 2000s aesthetic.  I think it's interesting approach at it, but some of things are outta place with things like fumos (which I'm rather tired of since the normalfags destroyed that culture of the 10s).  Things that of DoReMi, Lucky Star, and Higurashimatch that time, but putting them together really gives off more of a later fan though as they have all of resurgences with that certain crowd that tries to emulate the 2000s and shows that they were not there.  Seeing also Tokyo Mew Mew on a high quality pictures was a bit off.  I probably sound like coming off as rather harsh, but I do enjoy all of those things, it just always kinda throws me off that younger people associate those with the time (If the throw a couple of other things that they found by themselves it would throw of that scent). All being said it was put together well and it was just the opening to the world as if you go into the computer the world continues.

This leads to a tunnel that has some magazines covers and a lot of magical girl influence.  In there is a couple of alternative paths some to deadends and others to some basic rooms (at this time I assume the rest of the world is WIP).  In some of you can find some K-ON!, Chobits, and some Azumanga pictures.  I like the way the rest of the world is going, I think it has some good progress and hope the world maker continues with this project and finishes it.  I'll have below something that I liked, if the world has a big update I will defintely revisit it and I recommned you at least and it to your list of worlds to check out.