Originally writen on 3/24/2024
K-ON! is a masterpiece there really isn't much else to say.
Ok so maybe I should go on a bit. This year I did another rewatch of K-ON! through the entire series, as I write this I just finished the movie. It was the 5th rewatch or the 6th watch in otherwords. Everytime I do a rewatch I go in expecting to go "yeah it's probably not as good as I thought I mean I've seen hundreds of things since the last time and it's been years my taste have changed". But every time I'm amazed that it's just near flawless, probaby the best piece of media ever made. It just runs so smooth like butter, every character has an arc and everyone has changed for the better by the end. It might be just a show about girls drinking tea and eating cakes, but it's more than that it's story of friendship and the inevitable end of a time and place. That might be worded badly, but what I mean no matter what nothing stays the same, friends come and go from our lives there is no status quo in real life.
Final Rating of K-ON!: 10/10
It is the best anime of all time, and if you have never watched it go watch it now! Hopefully we get the K-ON! Highschool adapation someday...