Originally writen on 9/8/2024
I myself like a good slot machine sometimes, actually no slot machines suck ass. There is nothing worse then going to a casino and they don't have fucking BlackJack nor Plinko and I got fucking play through on slots then they proceed to get rid of the best one. RIP in piece Bloodsuckers you were my favorite slot I made so much money off you :(. But anyway I watched recently Pachislo Kizoku Gin, a gambling anime centered around slot machines. Specifically one that is very basic as fuck. But it is skill-based, even though that not how the back end works, but I digress. Actually quick thing, best scene in the anime is when they go on a training arc and play at local places and win a shit ton and all the old people are watching taking notes and asking questions.
I'm getting ahead of myself though, the anime is centered around Ginya a young journalist who wants to be a novelist, but first needs to grind out during journalism. On one of his jobs he learns about the underground world of competitive slot machines where groups of people try to reach a high score before the rest. He learns the techniques and becomes one of the best. In the first rounds it's free for all with 6-8 people competing at once. He though is a pro and keeps getting better and even makes friends along the way with a doctor. As it keeps going he learns about the past of his good old friend that runs a diner he frequents. The old man is actually a legendary slot machine creator and worked along side his dead dad. But wait is dad is actually alive!? He then thinks about it, he grow up hearing is dad is the worst and was abandoned early in life with his sister. Doing some snooping he finds where his dad lives now, he ends up talking to his dad, but chooses ultimately not tell his dad that it's him and leaves his dad to keep living his new life. This was actually an interesting choice and one of the good parts of the anime. But after that he gets to the final ranks and is challenging the head gambler. In a finally 3 episode battle (way to long most battle have been barely half an episode) he actually chooses to forfeit and let the guy gamble himself to death as he was battling a fatal illness at the same time. I actually might be wrong on that, I kinda stopped caring towards the end.
In the end should you watch Pachislo Kizoku Gin? No you probably shouldn't even if you are a fan of gambling. It really is just a show that was forgotten and it is worth forgetting. I give it a 46/100