Spring 2024

 Originally writen on 7/3/2024

 Girls Band Cry


Girls Band Cry is a show that shouldn't work in how it looks. It's 3d, but with some 2d. Sometimes it seems like the lighting in the scene render messes with the materials on the meshes, and the 3d design is inconsistent from character to objects. But somehow it works, with some of the best 3d outside of HnK. The characters are so expressive that I love it, and with some really good camera work that only works in 3d it pulls it off. Now the actually show I loved, I'm sucker for girl band shows Cute girls + music = what I love and Girls Band Cry is some nice music with a good lead vocalist, I always love more unique VAs. Though my favorite girl was the Scoobs, she was easily best girl and best girl of the season. All the girls though were great, it was sad that we didn't get an episode for Rupa. Though it felt fitting for her that she doesn't have a focus episode. Her character felt more like she had gone through development in the past and is confident in her current self. A focus episode would've been mostly a flashback likely. The ending I loved also, it shows the realism of the world. No matter how good your band is no one is randomly going to start listening to it. This also leaves room for the 2nd season, that will probably never come...


In the end GBC get's a 8.5/10

 Shuumatsu Train Doko e Iku?


GA-TAN GO-TAN SHUSHU TRAIN, this one definitely got OP of the season. I was expecting a complete train wreck with this one, epically when they said there behind on production around episode 4. But it finished, almost on time, with only one episode delay, and was not a train wreck at all. A fun train ride to Ikebukuro, each episode was at another stop with crazy things happening in these weekly adventures. The story slowly unfolds until all at once they reach Ikebukuro and try to save their friend. Very typically formula like something like Flip Flappers, but unlike something like that it sticks the landing and keeps up the story throughout. I liked all 5 of the girls and all the crazy side characters throughout. It was one of those shows that I wish had a bit more, I want to see more of the world and all the craziness that is happening. At the end I was kinda wishing it was a videogame instead because the sense of adventure was good. If you skipped this one definitely go back and check it out, I expect it be one of those cult classics in a couple of years.


The Train girls get a 8.2/10

 Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai

If we just went with first episodes this season Jellyfish would've been my AOTS. It started very strong, actually getting me a bit emotional in the first episode. Throughout I still enjoyed it a lot and would recommend it, but it felt like it was just missing something. Maybe it had to clean of an ending? Maybe the relationship of Kano and her mom was not interesting enough to be the main emotional climax? Whatever it was I enjoyed the characters, the side characters were also very good, especially the hag idol. Each of the main characters were given a nice chance to grow and get better focusing on their art. Groups never do typically last that long, but it was weird how they pretty much were entering pro level and disbanded. Even if I didn't like how JELEE was disbanded in the end, each of them will go out do better in their art. I found it very inspirational and made me want to work on my art. Now only if I had artist friends to collab with...


Jellyfish get's a 8.1/10

  Hibike! Euphonium S3


Goddamn going into Euphonium S3, I was not really excited. It had been five years since the last entry of the series, and although I liked them they were not the greatest thing. So much had changed also since then too, the world and Kyoani itself had gone through so much shit. Would Kyoani still be as good as it once was? I also didn't even remember that much from before, I had meant to do a rewatch this year, but I never got the time. So when it started it was probably in the middle of the pack of my weekly excitement, but by the end I was refreshing the page every Sunday morning waiting for the new episode. I loved this season, I didn't if it was just so long so the last Kyoani show and really missed my favorite studio put out movie quality in a weekly show. Everything clicked this season, I especially liked the new character Mayu. Her conflict really added to the show pushing it to be my favorite of the season. During the final duel for the national solo slot, I was on the edge of my seat. I really like how the online dialogue around her was calling her evil and the villain, when really she was just a girl that wanted to play her euphonium, make friends, and have a good time. Euphonium was great I should do a complete rewatch in a couple of years and maybe I'll write a complete thing reflecting on the entire series.


Kyoani found a way with a 8.6/10 and AOTS for Spring 2024